11 December 2008

DVT - Deep Vein Thrombosis

In class last month Dr. Cohen briefly mentioned vein blood clots. Where could that clot dislodge to? Answer: the lungs.

That week my dad was diagnosed with a DVT - Deep Vein Thrombosis in his leg. He had been active and couldn't figure out why. He hadn't been on a long flight or anything similar that month. We were very concerned about a Pulmonary Embolism. Yes, the dislodged clot could travel to the lungs!! (capillaries) This is what killed young reporter, David Bloom, in Iraq.

Well, a couple of months earlier, my dad was recovering from eye surgery. He was told to stay on the couch until his detached retina healed. His doctor did mention that my dad should, however, get up every 30 minutes or so to "get the blood moving." This was great advice, but it wasn't quite enough exercise to prevent a DVT. (My dad's blood test was normal and he was on a low dose aspirin regimen before this.)

I just want to express how important exercise is --even when we are cramming for a test or finishing a long experiment. Anyone up for running the stairs at lunch break?


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