24 November 2008

Alternative Medicine: Cupping

The review article, The Neuroimmune Basis of Anti–inflammatory Acupuncture, mentions the term “cupping”. As I had mentioned before in class, I grew up with Russian gymnastic coaches who brought their knowledge of Eastern Medicine to the West. I was lucky enough not to get stung by bees but had the enjoyment of having cupping done. Hope you find it as interesting as I did.

Illness is caused by an imbalanced, stagnated or weak Qi. Acupuncturists are trained to use cupping when Qi needs to be drawn to the surface of the body from deep within. The cups are applied to acupuncture points. Cupping is a technique in which glass cups are heated from the inside with fire to create a vacuum and then placed on the afflicted area of the body. The cup's suction pulls at the skin and is said to "suck out" the body's toxins.

Sources of these toxins include: air pollution, drugs, junk food, and smoking, waste products of metabolism, trauma/accidents, stress, anger, anxiety and depression. Toxins can slow down or block supply of blood that delivers much needed oxygen, nutrients, water, mineral electrolyte, vitamins, enzymes, hormones and immune system cells to cells, tissues and organs. This also prevents the removal of metabolic waste products and toxic substances which are excreted through our lungs, skin and urine. As a result, our cells, tissues, and organs become progressively weak, inefficient, and easily overcome. This can cause tissue/organ malfunction and infection to take place. This will cause symptoms of diseases such as aches and pain, numbness, fever, cough, stomach ache, constipation, diarrhea and headaches. If left untreated, further accumulation of toxic waste may lead to serious chronic diseases including hypertension, ulcers, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer disease, migraine, heart disease, stroke and cancer.

There are 3 different cupping techniques.

  1. Air Cupping: most common, no side effects, prevents and treats slight ailments
  2. Aggressive Cupping: used for serious chronic diseases, marks may remain up to 1 year
  3. Blood Cupping: cups applied to scratched skin, toxic blood is removed

Some diseases treated by Cupping Therapy

  • cold/cough
  • headaches/migraine
  • asthma
  • allergies
  • hypertension/hypotension
  • osteoarthritis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • diabetes
  • kidney/liver problems
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • stroke
  • cancer

Interestingly, if the person is really healthy, the redness will dissipate very quickly with the skin returning to its normal color, usually within minutes or hours. However, if the person is in poor health, injured or experiencing Qi blockages, there will be some bruising and skin will not return to normal color for a couple of days rather than hours.



christinew7630 said...

This is interesting. I lived in Asia for 4 years where they still use cupping, accupuncture and herbal medicine before western medicine.

I have always felt that a balance between Eastern and Western medicine would be the best for health, but it is difficult to manage. Both forms of medicine feel superior.

The blood cupping reminds me of the use of blood letting and leech applications from earler medical times when they were trying to release the bad humors. It certainly released lots of blood cells....there may have benefit to this!

More interesting is that leech use has come back into fashion with a twist. Following trauma or surgery leeches are placed on hematomas (large blood collections), particularly on the face to decrease the volume of blood. This has resulted in more rapid recovery and a decrease in scar formation. Sure makes you think....

DanielleM495 said...

I was reading about leeches too. Studies are now using leeches as a treatment to relieve pain and inflammation in osteoarthritic knees. I also read that there is adevelopmental drug based on the saliva of leeches that could offer new hope for sufferers of multiple sclerosis. The saliva of leeches contains biochemicals including anticoagulants, vasodialators, anti-inflammatories and anesthetics.
