Hello from sunny and HOT Tucson AZ.
PSIO 495/595K welcomes everybody to Inflammablog2!!
My name is Zoe Cohen and I'm the instructor of PSIO 495/595K.
I wanted to give everybody a little insight into our course. We are a colloquium, which means that we read many different articles (lay articles, basic science and review articles) related to Inflammation and Disease. We do not cover all of Immunology in this course! In fact, what you'll find is that the majority of posts from our class will similar for 2 weeks at a time. This is because we will discuss a specific disease (and how inflammation plays a role) for 2 weeks at a time.
Please post comments to my class if you find any of our topics interesting! We really enjoy getting the input of a graduate course (495k is undergraduate)!
If you'd like to see a copy of our syllabus, Dr. J. John Cohen has one that he can show you!!
Here's to a great semester!!
Zoe (or ZoeC495)